to the website of the Finnish- and English-speaking United Methodist
Church in Punavuori, Helsinki!
We gather to a worship service every Sunday at 11 am. The service is held either in English or in Finnish and usually interpreted to the other language. Welcome to join us!
We have a Facebook page in English, The Helsinki United Methodist
Church English Service. You are also welcome to follow our Finnish
Facebook page, Metodistikirkko Helsinki.
We have a prayer team that is committed to praying for you. If you have
concerns, needs, or thanksgivings that you would like us to lift them up
in prayer, please send a message to the address” helsinki@metodistikirkko.net” (preferably with the text” Prayer request”
on the subject line). Your message will be forwarded to our dedicated
prayer team who will pray for you.
Generally you reach us best by sending a message to the same
email address: helsinki@metodistikirkko.net.
Jesus said: ”Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying
heavy loads, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28, CEB)